In November 2009, I was struck with the idea of writing a children's book. My son, Owen, loves subway trains, especially Boston's MBTA system. In trying to find Christmas gifts that year that related to subway trains, I didn't find much other than a few books that were below his reading level. I figured I'd try my hand at writing a children's book or two about subways.
I started out simple, with a rhyming alphabet book for preschoolers. I shopped it around to literary agencies, but got little interest. One agency, having read my query letter, asked to see the whole manuscript, but eventually turned it down. At the same time, I began working on a subway-themed counting book. I completed a first draft on that one, but haven't returned.
As for the alphabet book, that, too, took a back seat once I set my sights on finishing "(C)rock Stories: Million-Dollar Tales of Music, Mayhem and Immaturity," the short story collection I'd been working on for nearly 10 years.
After my short story collection was published, in late December 2010, I spent some time marketing and promoting that book. Eventually, Ireturned to my alphabet book with fresh eyes. I still liked the book, but figured I could use a few other opinions. I sent the manuscript to a few friends and family members, looking for honest feedback that would help me get it published.
I received constructive criticism, for which I am thankful. Still, I'm having a hard time hammering a new draft into shape. The basic problems, as one friend pointed out, were that the book mixed in too many technical subway terms, and it didn't tell a story
Now, as regular DaveTronik 2000 readers are aware, I'm pretty familiar with Boston's subway system, and with the trains, especially on the Green line, having taken countless trips with Owen. I grappled with the idea of making the story specific to the MBTA, but after considerable time spent trying to fit the rhymes and letters into that mold, I abandoned the idea.
Lately, I've gone back to the drawing board, trying to tell a story that follows the rhythm and pace of the trips that Owen and I take. I'm having better luck with this idea, but I'm still finding it very hard to tell a story, make it rhyme, and use preschool-level words. I'm going to get it done, but it's taking longer than I'd hoped.
When I'm satisfied, I'll try shopping it directly to publishers. I don't have an illustrator on board, but my understanding is that if a publisher likes the idea, they'll put an author in touch with someone to do the art. Seeing how I'm not a celebrity, the chances of publishing a picture book are small, but I know that my idea is fresh and if I can show them that I have at least one other similarly themed book in the works, that can only be to my benefit.
(Since my foray into children's book writing was inspired by my nine-year-old, I've of course also thought about writing chapter books for kids his age, but by the time I get around to that, Owen will be way too old to care about them.)
Now, here's a complicating factor: in recent weeks, I've been making up bedtime stories for my daughter, Amelia, who's four. I've created two characters that I'm considering using for books. I'm not going to let out too many details, and I'm not sure if I'm really going to follow through, but I get excited when I tell stories to Amelia using these characters, and would love to explore them on paper.
OK, all this kid talk has made my thirsty for an adult beverage.