Monday, December 24, 2012

Merry Christmas!

Last week I started writing down some thoughts about the horrendous school shooting in Newtown, CT. But I got overwhelmed with what to write, as I thought about those poor little kids and their families and friends, and my own kids and how vulnerable they are, not just at school but everywhere.

I'm sure we've all thought about the numerous issues around this incident -- gun control, mental illness, school safety, the NRA's outsized influence over Congress -- and gotten a bit fried.

So I'll just say "Merry Christmas!" and leave you with a video of a song that has always given me goosebumps, and always will. The good kind of goosebumps. The song is "Hallelujah Chorus" from Georg Handel's oratorio Messiah. I'm not at all religious, but I love Christmas, and look back fondly on the days when my parents played this song and other, similarly inspirational songs on our hi-fi leading up to Christmas.

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